Join us!

If you're an exhausted parent, you're in the right place.

If something just isn't working in parenthood right now, join us.

At Care Collective, we remind each other that the way you're feeling is not "just you." Support systems for parents are broken, and we call bullsh*t.

Parenting is often overwhelming and isolating, but we weren't wired to experience it this way. For hundreds of years, we raised kiddos with multiple forms of support in small communities. Even though our world looks much different today, we have the same need to feel connected and supported by others while parenting.

Whether you're looking for individual support, a community of like-minded parents, or workshops and events that talk about what it's really like to be a parent today, we've got you. Keep scrolling to learn more, or book your first coaching call below.

Hey there! I'm Katie.

Portrait of a white, non-binary person with short brown and gray hair, standing in front of a green hydrangea bush.

As a parent of multiple children born during the pandemic, I've seen the ways in which isolation and lack of social supports can create daily struggles for parents. Through my own journey, I've learned that connection with other parents is core to my well-being.I support parents in navigating the shifts in identity that often come with parenthood, and I help parents deepen and build connections with supportive folks in their community.I deeply believe that none of us are going to "fix" the challenges we experience as parents—but that we can feel more supported, seen, and connected when we are in community with each other.

How can i get started with support?

How can parent coaching help?

As a certified Good Inside Parent Coach, I help parents build more connection with themselves, with their co-parents/partners, and with their children, all while providing practical strategies that you can implement right now to address challenging behaviors with your kiddo(s).

Parent coaching can help if:

  • You've tried lots of advice from well-meaning friends and family that just isn't working

  • You don't want to yell or "lose it" when your child has a meltdown

  • You want to feel more connected to your kiddo, but instead just feel exhausted, frustrated, and stuck

  • You want effective, practical strategies that are tailored to your specific situation and kiddo

  • You want help now

I believe parent coaching should be easy and accessible—and for that reason, I offer initial 30-minute coaching sessions for only $50, usually bookable within as little as 2-3 days.

We're just getting started.

Join our community. We'd love to have you.

Stay tuned as we add more opportunities for support, and rediscover what community care can look and feel like for parents.

Reach out if you're interested in:

  • Coaching sessions to help you navigate intense parenting seasons

  • Workshops and events specifically created for overwhelmed parents

  • A community of like-minded parents supporting and uplifting each other